🤖 AI robots getting GOOD!

+ AI traces neanderthals! ⏰

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  • 🤖 AI robots getting smart!

  • 📚 Is this AI or not?

  • ⏰ Tracing Neanderthals with AI!

  • 💡 AI-nspirational quote of the day

  • 🎁 Refer Mindstream, get free sh*t

  • 📸 AI image of the day


Google is planning to use AI to make its robots smarter.

They have released a new robotic model called Robotic Transformer (RT-2).

RT-2 is the new version of what the company calls its vision-language-action (VLA) model. The model teaches robots to better recognize visual and language patterns to interpret instructions and infer what objects work best for the request. In other words, robots are getting better thanks to AI.

In a serious-but-funny experiment, researchers tested the model with a robotic arm in a kitchen, asking its robotic arm to decide what makes a good improvised hammer (it was a rock) and to choose a drink to give an exhausted person (a Red Bull). They also told the robot to move a Coke can to a picture of Taylor Swift. Sadly, it obliged.

The new model uses recent AI advances and leans on Google’s Bard, perhaps explaining why it has seen a sudden jump in capability.


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Bioengineers are using AI to bring Neanderthals back to life!… Kind of.

A new experiment used AI to help discover what kinds of defences our ancestors had against bacteria, in the hope of making new treatments for us modern AI-loving humans.

The researchers applied computational methods to data about proteins from both modern humans and our long-extinct relatives, Neanderthals and Denisovans. This allowed the authors to identify molecules that can kill disease-causing bacteria — and that could inspire new drugs to treat human infections.

“We’re motivated by the notion of bringing back molecules from the past to address problems that we have today,” says Cesar de la Fuente, a co-author of the study.

Finding and testing drug candidates using AI takes just a few weeks. In contrast, it takes three to six years to use older methods to discover a single new antibiotic.

Talk about upgrades.

AI and science go together like jam and scones.


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