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  • šŸ«µšŸ¼ You're overreacting to AI!

šŸ«µšŸ¼ You're overreacting to AI!

+ Grok is causing trouble... šŸ¤–


Ah, Happy Friday, friend.

Sam Altman thinks weā€™re blowing the AI thing out of proportion.

And Elon Muskā€™s Grok throwing shade?

Steal our prompts! We have a prompt that will come in handy!

Here is what you need to know about AI today.

Read time: 5 minutes


OpenAIā€™s CEO, Sam Altman, thinks the buzz around AI taking over the world is a bit much. 

Specifically, heā€™s talking about AGI, or artificial general intelligence - the kind of AI that can outperform humans.

Altman believes AGI might be around the corner, but heā€™s not losing sleep over it. 

Despite the hype around OpenAIā€™s ChatGPT, he warned folks not to get too carried away, predicting that some might end up ā€œdisappointedā€ with the technology. 

He emphasised that weā€™re quite at the point of having true AGI yet.

OpenAI has been on a mission to achieve AGI since 2015. Now with backing from Microsoft, they aim to develop AI responsibly. 

When asked if AI could worsen economic inequalities, especially in light of recent political events, Altman acknowledged the concern but reassured that AI is more of a tool than a job snatcher.

Altmanā€™s departure is now a distant memory.

Altmanā€™s temporary exit from OpenAI in November raised eyebrows due to concerns about AI safety and the companyā€™s role. 

However, he quickly bounced back after strong support from OpenAIā€™s team and investors, and itā€™s being seen as nothing more than a bump in the road.

Microsoft even snagged a non-voting board observer seat in the process. 

The AI revolution might be more of a gentle nudge than a massive shakeup, at least according to Altman.

Our View:

Altman's take on AI seems pretty chill ā€“ he's not sweating the idea of it taking over the world, and he sees it more as a cool tool for boosting productivity than a job-stealing villain.

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Every Friday we give you a powerful prompt to try over the weekend to get awesome results.

Get organised!

Use this prompt to prioritise your key tasks.

Please help me prioritise my tasks. Here's a list of tasks:

[Task 1]

[Task 2]

[Task 3] ...

For Each Task

Deadline or time constraint (if any):

Urgency (High, Medium, Low):

Importance (High, Medium, Low):

Task dependencies (if any):

Personal preferences or criteria for prioritization:

Additional context or details about the task:


You find yourself at home, surrounded by your family, when suddenly your phone starts buzzing with concerned messages from acquaintancesā€¦ 

The cause? 

A social media storm, involving your name and a rather unsettling revelation.

In this particular tale, our protagonist Zoe Kleinman, technology editor of BBC discovers sheā€™s been listed among the suppliers of disinformation on Twitter. 

The evidence? 

A screenshot from Elon Muskā€™s chatbot, Grok

Not exactly the kind of top 10 list one wants to be on now, is it? 

Unfazed, Kleinman tried to rectify the situation and the first point of contact was Grok itself!

However, there was no response from the bot. 

She then turned to regulatory authorities in the UK for guidance. 

The Information Commissioner's Office, bureau of data protection told her to refer to Ofcom, the custodian of the Online Safety Act. 

Apparently, the list doesnā€™t fall under criminal activity - as it is AI, there is no legal precedent.

The plot twistā€¦

Two lawyers are consulted, the first declined outright while the second cautiously navigated the uncharted waters of the law.

It turns out, the burden of proving harm rests firmly on Kleinmanā€™s shoulders. 

But then - a plot twist.

It turns out the original image itself was Photoshop, and she wasnā€™t actually included.

Online shenanigans sent her on a wild goose chaseā€¦ but if this was real, the response from X (Twitterā€¦) isnā€™t too promising - no doubt a real case will come around soon enough.

Our View:

This mystery wasnā€™t all it panned out to beā€¦ but it seems like unlike ChatGPT, Grok is happy to dish out questionable info about real peopleā€¦


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A Victorian-era city on Mars

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šŸ‘‹ Enjoy the weekend!

Thanks for reading. But remember weā€™ll be back tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day.

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 šŸ¤” ā€œDo you think AI will take your job inside 2 years?ā€

Yes, Iā€™m screwed - 38%
No, Iā€™m safe - 62% āœ…

šŸ—£ļø Readerā€™s Opinions

ā€œAn AI can't interpret the mistakes and outright crappy reporting that I have to sift through on the MVA reports I look at.ā€ - kevin.li

ā€œTalk about wealth consolidation! What are the screwed people going to do? And don't tell me prompt engineering when AI agents take that job too!ā€ - jim@med

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