🤔 Would you turn this off?

+ Taylor Swift Deepfake scandal! 😬


Monday is here, friends. But don’t be sad!

It’s GOOD NEWS! This is the last Monday of January!

Robotic news anchors are about to blow up…

And Taylor Swift was a victim of deepfake AI pics on X. 😧

Here is what you need to know about AI today.

Read time: 6 minutes


Imagine getting your daily news from AI-generated anchors rather than real humans.

That’s the vision of Channel 1, an AI startup in LA. 

In a recent 22-minute video, AI anchors presented the day’s news, looking just like the real deal. 

But the question is, can AI anchors replace the human connection we have with traditional newsreaders? 

Trust in human news presenters has hit a new low, with only 42% in the UK trusting them, according to a survey by Ipsos

You might have heard about parasocial relationships - that feeling you have when it seems like a news anchor is talking directly to you. 

Social media influencers have mastered this, creating a bond with their audience - but can AI?

Can AI deliver a connection?

Channel 1’s founder, Ada, Mosam, admits it’s not quite the same, but argues people aren’t looking for impartiality anymore

Experts like Nic Newman from the Reuters Institute think AI might work for short news bulletins, but the human touch is crucial for delivering new programs. 

The uncertainty remains, however - will people feel a connection with an AI anchor? 

Christine H Tran from the University of Toronto wonders if AI personalities can inspire the same connection, especially if labelled as 'AI content.

A 13-step process

Channel 1 has a 13-step process to check AI-generated scripts, aiming to avoid issues like content hallucination. They're even hiring an editor-in-chief soon.

While AI might handle some reporting tasks, Mosam and Newman doubt it can replace human journalists entirely. 

Gathering intelligence and conducting interviews need a human touch. 

So, for now, AI and humans seem to be working hand in hand on Channel 1.

Our View:

This is the future, but would you watch it? I’d rather just read the news…

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Every Monday we give you a list of AI tools to kickstart your week!

Humanlinker: An AI Sales Assistant that helps revenue generation teams with personalized prospecting and efficient meeting preps.

Acrolinx: Content optimization platform focused on improving writing standards and style guidelines.

Trellis: eCommerce merchandising and advertising software using AI for Amazon PPC automation.

Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence: Tool for gaining actionable consumer insights and social intelligence from online data.

InstaText: Writing and editing tool that preserves the unique voice and tone of the text while improving its quality.


AI deviants have been creating fake pics of Taylor Swift and causing a social media storm. 

These fake pics, mostly on X, as you can imagine are… NSFW.

They got millions of views before being taken down, but who knows where they’re lurking now?

Social media big shots like X have rules against sharing fake or harmful content but AI is making it tough to keep things in check. 

Ben Decker from Memetica says AI tools are getting misused, and we need better protection. 

How could it spread so far? 

X has cut down human moderation and relies more on automated systems now, leading to a rise in unsavoury content.

They are also currently under investigation in the EU for how they moderate content…

Unprecedented times

There are currently no guidelines linking AI companies, social media platforms and regulators. That’s why fake content just like this keeps spreading. 

The good thing about this is that when people like Taylor Swift get involved, things get attention. 

Ben Decker thinks this could make lawmakers and tech companies take action.

This AI tech has been causing trouble for a while, making fake images without people's permission. 

Now, nine US states have laws against making or sharing these fake images.

Our View:

Swifties to the rescue! Is there nothing they can’t do?


WWE co-founder Vince McMahon denies serious allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, and sex trafficking in a lawsuit filed by former employee Janel Grant.

President Biden intends to nominate Tracey Ann Jacobson, a seasoned diplomat, as the Ambassador to Iraq, and Patrick J. Fuchs, currently a Member of the Surface Transportation Board, for reappointment.

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp announces his departure at the end of the 2023-24 season, citing a need for a break and a desire for clarity

TIME magazine lays off around 30 employees, including 15% of union-represented editorial staff, affecting various departments.

Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union (EU) to comply with the Digital Markets Act.


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Time-traveling train emerging from a wormhole

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