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šŸ˜” Saleforce furious at OpenAI...

AI better than your Maths teacher! šŸ”¢

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Happy Friday! Rejoice, you made it my friend.

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and Sam Altman not seeing eye to eyeā€¦

And AI just embarrassed your maths teacher.

+ We have a prompt for that paper you need to finishā€¦

Here is what you need to know about AI today.

Read time: 5 minutes


Salesforce CEO, Marc Benioff, has gone hard on AI companies allegedly snatching up intellectual property for their tech.

According to him, theyā€™re playing fast and loose with training data, even swiping content from big shots like Time and the New York Times.

Who are they pointing fingers at?

Wellā€¦ take a guess. OpenAI and Sam Altman are in the hotseat.

Time and other platforms are in talks to get a piece of that pie for their news content!

The New York Times is suing OpenAI for copyright for using their articles without a green light. 

Itā€™s like the Wild West out here! 

Benioff is demanding AI companies play nice and throw some cash to content creators.

Though OpenAIā€™s CEO, Sam Altman, isnā€™t stoked about this. 

He insists they arenā€™t poaching protected material and says training data isnā€™t as golden as some think!

Altman aims to doge any off-limits news content and is striking deals left and right. 

And thereā€™s MORE! 

Benioff also threw shade at AI and elections, blaming social media and lax elections regulators

According to him, they havenā€™t done their homework. Could there be more drama coming soon? šŸæ

Our View:

Maybe this will help resolve some of the AI copyright issues - if a deal can be hashed out.

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Artificial Intelligence online short course from MIT

Study artificial intelligence and gain the knowledge to support its integration into your organization. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in today's business world, then this artificial intelligence online course may be the perfect option for you.

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  • A road map for the strategic implementation of AI technologies in a business context.


Every Friday we give you a simple, actionable prompt tip to try over the weekend to get better at using AI.

Having trouble writing a paper with endless pages?

Give ChatGPT the role of a professor in linguistics and ask it to summarise your text using a specific tone of voice such as "academic" with the academic level that you need such as ā€œGrade 11ā€.


If you thought you were good at geometry, think again. Thereā€™s an AI that probably puts your maths teacher to shame!

Meet AlphaGeometry, the new math-savvy AI that goes toe-to-toe with the very best. 

This artificial intelligence wizard recently showcased its skills in solving tough geometry problems.

Giving even the brainiacs at the International Mathematical Olympiad a run for their money! 

AlphaGeometry aced 25 out of 30 geometry problems from the Olympiad, beating some of the best mathematicians in the world.

Bringing language into maths

Now letā€™s talk about language. 

Traditional math AIs often struggle with making sense of their explanations, leading to some serious head-scratching. 

But AlphaGeometry flips the script! 

Instead of relying on regular language, it has its own programming language that fits humans and bots.

This makes answers for both entities easy to understand, so no more confusing mumbo-jumbo!

The brains behind AlphaGeometry took a bold approach, they cooked up a batch of 100 million proofs to train the model.

A combined approach

One key ingredient that sets AlphaGeometry apart is its combined approach

It mixes statistical savvy with some serious symbolic reasoning. Like a math smoothie.

While AlphaGeometry is rocking the geometry world, it's not quite ready to snatch the title of math genius just yet

Mathematicians, your jobs are safe ā€“ for now.

AlphaGeometry might tackle some undergrad-level problems, but it's not diving into cutting-edge research-level math anytime soon.

Our View:

AI is good at maths - whoā€™d of thought it?


Artwork submitted by Mindstream reader Alexandra D ā€œNinja cats guarding a secret treasure templeā€

Get art inspiration by trying this prompt in your image generator of choice.

An ice cream planet with sundae mountains 

Happy with the result, or have some other artwork youā€™re proud of?
You can send in your artwork and we will feature it, with credit to you.

We get a lot of submissions, but we do look at every single one! So please donā€™t hesitate to send us your art.


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šŸ‘‹ Talk soon!

Phew! Weekend is here, what are your plans for it?

Remember to vote in our daily poll if you havenā€™t already!


 šŸ¤” ā€œDo you agree with Muskā€™s ways of handling things?ā€

Yes, heā€™s a freaking genius! - 50%
No, heā€™s crazy - 50%

(talk about a love him or hate him kinda person!)

šŸ—£ļø Readerā€™s Opinions

ā€œThe man is focused on going to Mars, don't expect his strategy to be short-term...ā€ - cver65

ā€œHe seems to make decisions by the seat of his pants. I know he is brilliant, but some of the sides he takes are not what I would consider good for the country or company.ā€ - fredp

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