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šŸ˜® Elon Musk's shocking AI demands

Find love with ChatGPT!? ā¤ļø


Happy Thursday! What are your plans for this weekend? Start planning!

No rest for the wicked, or Elon Musk. Heā€™s made more crazy demands.

Can you find love on ChatGPT? Some people think soā€¦

+ Academic panic - Begone! ChatGPT saves the day!

Here is what you need to know about AI today.

Read time: 6 minutes


Elon Musk isnā€™t happy with Teslaā€™s board. He wants more control - asking for over $80 Billion in shares to fund his future AI projects.

And he says if he doesnā€™t get it, he says heā€™ll start his AI projects outside of Tesla.

But why?

Well, Musk apparently feels uncomfortable about growing Tesla into an AI and robotics powerhouse without a 25% shareholding.

He currently holds 13% afterā€¦ selling part of his stake for his Twitter acquisition. 

He thinks owning 25% of Tesla is important to ensure he has the reins.

Musk spilt the beans on X, saying:

And if the board doesnā€™t agreeā€¦

He hinted at developing products outside of Tesla if the board doesn't play ball.

This demand shows how much power Elon Musk believes he has over Tesla - will they fold to his demands?

This kind of behaviour and statements by the CEO have had their share of ups and downs for Tesla's stock.

We all saw that 10% drop after he sold part of his stake to buy Twitter and again when he failed to take Tesla private in 2018.

A rollercoaster ride 

Despite the drama, Tesla's stock has seen a 60% rise in the last 12 months.

Musk is already involved in A.I. ventures outside Tesla of course.

xAI is his answer to OpenAI - although besides limited access to Grok, we havenā€™t seen anything interesting from them.

While his fans applaud him, some are giving him a hard time for selling his shares.

Our View:

It never gets boring with Elon, does it? With how Twitter has done since he took over, I canā€™t imagine the Tesla board want to give him any more controlā€¦

Do you agree with Musk's way of handling things?

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Mindstream CEO Adam Biddlecombe will be interviewing YouAI CEO Dmitry Shapiro later today about how AI will impact business over the coming year.

You thought AI was big in 2023?

2024 is going to change everything.

Dmitry will provide invaluable insights - having been CTO of MySpace and Group Product Manager at Google - itā€™s fair to say he has his hand on the pulse of what is happening in Silicon Valley!

Dmitryā€™s new company, YouAI - is changing the AI space with MindStudio - an intuitive AI app builder thatā€™s completely free to use.


Letā€™s face it - your days can get busy but you should never be too busy to learn something new or spend some time on your personal growth!

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Try out the coolest GPTs and have your mind blown by all the things you didnā€™t realise ChatGPT could doā€¦

ScholarAI is a GPT that can help you out academically if youā€™re having a hard time coming up with a hypothesis and help with analysis and research using more than 200 million resources from books and articles!

Stop wasting time on that paper (or thesis)!


OpenAI has rolled out its GPT store, and as you can imagineā€¦ AI girlfriends are taking the platform by stormā€¦ even though they are banned.

Some users decided to bend the rules by crafting ā€œGirlfriend botsā€, much to OpenAIā€™s dismay.

They laid down the law in their updated usage policies on the same day as the store launch - but that hasnā€™t stopped people.

No romance allowed!

The rules explicitly say ā€œWeā€¦donā€™t allow GPTs dedicated to fostering romantic relationships or performing regulated activitiesā€

The creators got a bit crafty, switching from "girlfriend" to "sweetheart" to stay under the radar.

They tried researching terms like ā€œescortā€, ā€œcompanionā€, or sweet nicknames like ā€œhoneyā€ but came up short.

OpenAI is getting strict on these rule breakers.

If OpenAI is putting the brakes on girlfriend bots, users have plenty of other AI services to turn tooā€¦

Our View:

People need to go out moreā€¦ come on guysā€¦


Our Daily Image Prompt submitted by Mindstream reader Aleesa T - ā€œa realistic image of a pancake made of legosā€

Get art inspiration by trying this prompt in your image generator of choice.

Giant robot disguised as a skyscraper 

Happy with the result, or have some other artwork youā€™re proud of?
You can send in your artwork and we will feature it, with credit to you.

We get a lot of submissions, but we do look at every single one! So please donā€™t hesitate to send us your art.


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šŸ‘‹ So long friends

Did you enjoy it? We hope so my friend! See you tomorrow.

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 šŸ¤” ā€œWould it freak you out to have bots spying on your work?ā€

DEFINITELY! - 59% āœ…
No, I need that sort of management - 41%

šŸ—£ļø Readerā€™s Opinions

ā€œNot everything that is countable, counts. Work could be reduced to only quantitive aspects ā€ - gpmg.k

ā€œBut if they donā€™t spy but help me to keep my things in order and to prio the right stuff, it is welcomed! - thblatter

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